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segunda-feira, 18 de abril de 2016

Cartas Raras

Possíveis métodos de ganhar Cartas Raras.

001-Blue Eyes White Dragon - Seto 3 Rank S/A-Pow

007 Winged Dragon #1 - Mai Rank S-Tec

017 Right Leg of the Forbidden One - Meadow Mage e Nitemare S-Tec, villager 2 S-pow

018 Left Leg of the Forbidden One - Meadow Mage e Nitemare S-tec, Villager 2 S-Pow

019 Right Arm of the Forbidden One - Todos os duelistas, Ranks S-pow ou inferior

020 Left Arm of the Forbidden One - Todos os duelistas Ranks S-Pow ou inferior

021 Exodia the Forbidden - Heishin 1 e 2, Seto 2 Ranks S/A-Pow

022 Summoned Skull - 2500/1200 - Heishin 2 Rank A-Pow

028 Rock Ogre Grotto #1 – Heishin S-Pow

033 Judgeman – Meadow Mage, Kepura Ranks A/s Pow

035 Dark Magician – Seto 2, heishin 1 e 2 , Meadow Mage Ranks A/S Pow

037 Gaia the Dragon Champion – Kepura, Meadow mage Ranks A/s Pow

038 Gaia the Fierce Knight – Meadow mage, seto, seto 2, seto 3, nitemare, heishin 1 e 2 ranks A ou S-Pow

039 Curse of Dragon – Meadow Mage, Kepura Ranks S/A-Pow

051 Armored Lizard – Jono 2 Ranks A-pow

052 Hercules Beatle – Anubisius Ranks S/A-Pow

056 Larvae Moth – Anubisius Ranks S/A/B/C-Pow

057 Great Moth – Anubisius , Heishin S/A-pow

069 Great White – Mai S/A-Pow

062 Harpie Lady – Mai Ranks S/A-Pow

063 Harpie Lady Sisters – Mai Ranks S/A-Pow

064 Tiger Axe - Jono 2 Ranks Ranks S/A-Pow

067 Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth - Anubisius S-Pow

069 Thousand Dragon - Jono 2 Rank A-Pow

072 Cocoon of Evolution – anubisus Ranks S/A-Pow

082 Red-eyes B. Dragon - Jono 2 Ranks S/A-Pow

092 Rabid Horseman - 2000/1700 –Darknite Ranks Ranks S/A-Pow

151 Rhaimundos of the red sword – Kaiba S-Pow

216 Dryad – Bakura Ranks S-Pow

217 B. Skull Dragon - 3200/2500 - Seto 3, DarkNite Ranks S/A-Pow

252 Nekogal #1 - Seto 3 – B-Pow

278 Petit Moth - Anubisius Ranks B/C - Pow

284 Tao the Chanter – Guardian Sebek, Seto 3 S/A-pow

288 Dark Artisti – Villager 3 S/A/B/C-Pow

299 Sonic Maid – teana 2 A/S-Pow

301 Legendary Sword - Jono 2, Jono S/A Tec ou Ateh S/A/B-Pow

302 Sword of Dark Destruction – teana, Jono, Jono 2 S/A-tec ou S/B/A-Pow

303 Dark Energy - Kaiba. Mage soldier S-tec

304 Axe of Dispair - Duel Master K S/A-Tec

305 Laser Cannon Armor - / - 77007920 800- Weevil, Forest mage, Anubisius S-tec

306 Insect Armor With A Laser Cannon - / - 03492538 800 – Weevil, Forest Mage, Anubisius S-tec

307 Elf’s Light – Isis, Nitemare S-Tec

308 Beast Fangs – Moutain Mage, Rex raptor, Forest mage S-tec

309 Steel Shell – Moutain mage s-tec

310 Vile Germs – Forest Mage, Simon Muran S-tec

311 Black Pendant – Isis, Nitemare, Heishin, Seto 3, Jono 2 S-tec

312 Silver Bow and Arrow – Teana S-tec

313 Horn of Light – Meadow Mage S-tec

314 Horn of the Unicorn - seto 3, nitemare S-tec

315 Dragon Treasure – Pegasus, Kaiba, Isis, Seto 2, Seto 3, Nitemare S-Tec

316 Electro-Whip - Nitemare, Mai, Isis S-tec

317 Cyber Shield - Mai s-tec

318 Elegant Egotist – Mai S-tec

319 Mystical Moon - Anubisius S-tec

320 Stop Defense - Keith, Nitemare S-tec

321 Malevolent Nuzzeler – Nitemare, Isis, Shaid, Bakura S-tec

322 Violet Crystal – Desert Mage, Heishin S-tec

323 Book of Secret Arts - Bakura, Seto, Nitemare S-tec

324 Invigoration - Ocean Mage, Kaiba, Shadi, Seto 3 S-tec

325 Machine Conversion Factory - Kaiba, Sebek, Neku S-tec

326 Raise Body Heat - Labirint Mage, Desert Mage, Seto 2 S-tec

327 Follow Wind - Mai, mountain mage S-tec

328 Power of Kaishin – secmenton, nitemare S-tec

329 Dragon Capture Jar - Kaiba, Pegasus, Seto 3 S-tec

336 Dark Hole - Seto, Nitemare S-tec

337 Raigeki - Shadi, Seto, Ocean Mage S-tec

338 Mooyan Curry - Moutain Mage, Teana 2 Stec

339 Red Medicine - Weevil, Moutain Mage Teana 2 S-tec

340 Goblin’s Secret Remedy - teana 2 e Moutain Mage S-tec

341 Soul of the Pure – Moutain Mage, teana 2 S-tec

342 Dian Keto the Cure Master – Nitemare, teana 2, Moutain Mage S-Tec

346 Ookazi – Martis S-tec

347 Tremendose Fire - Sebek, Nitemare S-tec

348 Swords of Revealing Light - Meadow mage S-tec ( Isis e seto 3 talvez dropem essa carta)

349 Spellbinding Circle – Mai, Simon Muran, Nitemare e seto 3 – S-tec

350 Dark Piercing Light – Villager 3, Nitemare, Kaiba S-tec

351 Yaranzo – Nao lembro, Talvez seja o Keith que drope essa carta.

352 Kanan the swordmistress – Kepura – Rank A/b/c-Pow

353 Stuffed Animal – Pegasus A-pow

355 Megasonic Eye – Kaiba A-pow

357 Yamadron – Kaiba S-pow

358 Seiyaryu - Comprei ( Talvez nitemare e Atenza )

360 Zera the Mant – Nitemare, Heishin 2 S-pow

362 Millennium Shield – Kepura S-pow

361 Flying Pinguin – Não Lembro

363 Fairy’s Gift – Bakura B/C/d-Pow

364 Black Luster Soldier – Nitemare, Seto 2 S-Pow

367 Jirai Gumo - Weevil, anubisius S-pow

369 Wall Shadow - Darknite S-pow

370 Labyrinth Tank - Labyrinth mage, Heishin 1 e 2 Ranks S/A-Pow

371 Sanga of the Thunder - Heishin 1 e 2, Labyrinht mage, nitemare e seto 3 Ranks S/A-Pow

372 Kazejin - Labyrinht mage, nitemare e seto 3 Heishin 1 e 2 Ranks S/A-Pow

373 Suijin - Labyrinht mage, nitemare e seto 3 Heishin 1 e 2 Ranks S/A-Pow

374 Gate Guardian – Nitemare S-pow

375 Dungeon Worm – Não Lembro

377 Ryu-Kishin Powered – Forest Mage S/A-Pow

378 Swordstalker – Martis S-pow

380 Blue-eyes ultimate Dragon – Nitemare S-Pow

381 Toon Aligator – Seto, Meadow mage S-Pow

382 Rude Kaiser – Desert Mage S-Pow

383 Parrot Dragon - Ocean Mage – S-pow

386 Harpie’s Pet Dragon - atenza, Heishin 1 e 2 Ranks S/A-Pow

389 Giltia the D. Knight - Jono 2 S/A-pow

390 Launcher Spider - Heishin 1 e 2, Neku Ranks S/A-Pow

391 Zoa - Heishin1 e 2, Sebek, Neku, Nitemare, Martis Ranks S/A-Pow

392 Metalzoa - Sebek S-pow

428 Magician of Faith - Simon Muran Ranks S/A/B/C-Pow

429 Goddess of Whim - Ocean mage S-tec

442 Aqua Dragon – Heishin 1 e 2 Ranks S/A-Pow

443 Sea King Dragon - Darknite Ranks S/A-Pow

489 Barrel Lily – Villager 2 B/C/D-Pow

499 Kattapillar - Anubisius S/A/B Pow

533 Kwagar Hercules - Moutain mage, Meadow Mage S-pow

537 Mega Thunderball – Não lembro

541 Hane Hane – Villager 2 B/C/D-Pow

545 Skelgon – Desert Mage – S-pow

554 Lava Battleguard - Jono 2 Ranks S/A-Pow

555 Tyhone #2 - Não Tenho =/

562 Needle Worm - Anubisius Ranks B/C-Pow

566 Yormugarde – Teana S-Pow

603 Fairy Dragon - Isis Ranks S/A-Pow

607 Great Bill – Jono 1 e 2 S-pow

610 Electric Lizard – Villager 2 S/A/B/C-Pow

613 Twin-headed Thunder Dragon - Heishin 1 e 2, Labirint Mage, Nitemare, Seto 3 Ranks S/A-Pow

628 Witch’s Apprentice - Heishin S/A/B/C – Pow

640 Acid Crawler – Sebek S/A/B/C-Pow

644 Flame Viper – Jono S/A/B/C-Pow

656 Eternal Rest – Isis, Seto 3 S-tec

657 Megamorph - Pegasus, Darknite, Seto 3 S/A-Tec

658 Metalmorph - Keith S-Pow/Tec

660 Stain Storm – Nitemare, Keith s-tec

661 Crush Card - Kaiba, Seto 3, Bakura S/a-Tec

662 Eradicading Aerosol - Weevil, anubisius S-tec

663 Breath of Light - Nitemare S-tec

664 Eternal Drought - Secmenton, Nitemare S-tec

665 Curse of the Millennium Shield - bakura, Seto 3, Nitemare –S-tec

666 Yamadron Ritual - Bakura, Villager 1 S-tec

667 Gate Guardian Ritual - Labirinth Mage S-tec

668 Bright Castle - Kaiba, Pegaus, Bakura, Seto 3, Isis S-tec

669 Shadow Spell - seto 3 S-tec

670 Black Luster Ritual - Seto 2, Bakura S-tec

671 Zera Ritual - Heishins, Bakura, Nitemare S-tec

672 Harpie’s Feather Duster - Mai, Pegasus, Seto 3, Nitemare S-tec

673 War-Lion Ritual - Villager 1, Bakura S-tec

674 Beastry Mirror Ritual - Sebek, Seto, Bakura S-tec

675 Ultimate Dragon - Seto 3 S-tec

676 Commencement Dance - Pegasus, Mai, Bakura S-tec

677 Hamburger Recipe - Simom, bakura S-tec

678 Revival of Sengenjin - Kaiba, Bakura, Nitemare S-tec

679 Novox’s Prayer - Meadow Mage Bakura, Dark Nite

680 Curse of Tri-Horned Dragon - Seto 3 S-tec

686 Widespread Ruin - Kaiba, Seto 3, Pegasus, isis, Darknite, nitemare e Seto 3 S/A-Tec

689 Reverse Trap - DarkNite S-tec

690 Fake Trap - Simon, Heishin, Villager 1 S-tec

691 Revival of Serpent Night Dragon - Bakura S-tec

692 Turtle Oath - Ocean Mage, Bakura, Seto 3 –S-Tec

693 Contruct of Mask - Bakura S-tec

694 Resurrection of Chakra - Bakura, Villager 1 S-tec

695 Puppet Ritual - Heishin 2, Bakura S-tec

696 Javelin Beetle Pact - Anubisius S-tec

697 Garma Sword Oath – Bakura -tec, Seto 2 S-tec

698 Cosmo Queen’s Prayer - Bakura S-tec

699 Revival of Skeleton Rider - Pegasus, Kaiba S-tec

700 Fortress Whale’s Oath - Seto 3, Bakura S-tec

701 Performance of Sword - Kepura Ranks S/A-Pow

702 hungry Burguer - Kepura Ranks S/A-Pow

703 Senjenjin - Kepura, Nitemare Ranks S/A-Pow

704 Skull Guardian - Nitemare Ranks S/A-Pow

705 Tri-Horned Dragon - Num tenho =/

706 Serpent night Dragon - Nitemare Ranks S/A-Pow

707 Skull Knight - Meadow mage, Moutain Mage, Heishin 1 e 2 Ranks S/A-Pow

708 Cosmo queen - Num tenho =/

709 Chakra - Num tenho =/

710 Crab Turtle - Nitemare Rank S-Pow

711 Mikazukinoyaiba - Seto 3 Ranks S/A-Pow

712 Meteor Dragon - Meadow mage, Moutain mage Ranks S/A-Pow

713 Mteor B Dragon - Heishin 1 e 2, Jono 2, Meadow Mage, Moutain Mage Ranks S/A-Pow

714 Firewing Pegasus - heishins 1 e 2, Meadow Mage Ranks S/A-Pow

715 Psyco Puppet : num tenho =/

716 Garma Sword : Nitemare Ranks S/A-Pow

717 Javelin Betlee Anubisius Ranks S/A-Pow

718 Fortlhes whales : num tenho =/

719 Dokurorider – Num tenho =/

720 Mask of Shine & Dark – Seto 3, Nitemare S-Pow

721 Dark Magic Ritual – DarkNite S-tec

722 Magician of Black Chaos – Num tenho =/
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